Antitrust Lawyer

In re Plasma-Derivative Protein Therapies Antitrust Litigation

Shapiro Haber & Urmy played a leading role as a member of the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee in In re Plasma Derivative Protein Therapies Antitrust Litig., C.A. No. 09- cv-07666 (N.D. Ill.), successfully defeating three lengthy and substantial motions to dismiss in that case. This was a complex, nationwide putative class action against manufacturers of plasma protein derivative therapies, which are proteins used to treat seriously ill patients across the United States. The action, filed on behalf of all direct purchasers of plasma-derivative protein therapies, alleged that plasma manufacturers agreed to restrict supply and therefore increase prices. In deciding to appoint the firm to its leadership position, the Court highlighted Shapiro Haber & Urmy’s extensive experience litigating complex class actions. The case recently settled for $128 million.  

In re Polyurethane Foam Antitrust Litigation

Shapiro Haber & Urmy represented several of the nation’s largest bedding manufacturers and licensers as plaintiffs in In re Polyurethane Foam Antitrust Litig., C.A. No. 10-md- 02196 (N.D. Ohio). Plaintiffs alleged that Defendants and their co-conspirators contracted, combined, or conspired to fix, raise, maintain, and/or stabilize prices and allocate customers for polyurethane foam in the United States. 

In re Libor-Based Financial Instruments Litigation

Shapiro Haber & Urmy LLP represents a putative class of community banks in In re Libor-Based Financial Instruments Litigation, C.A. No 11-md-2262 in the Southern District of New York.  The complaint alleges substantial damages from a massive conspiracy to artificially lower the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR).  LIBOR is widely used throughout the world as a benchmark to set values of financial instruments.  The complaint alleges that Defendants, who are among the world’s largest banks, secretly colluded together to report that they could borrow money at lower rates than was actually the case, thus lowering LIBOR.  This conspiracy allowed Defendants to benefit financially and to inaccurately improve the appearance of their own financial condition.  Defendants’ actions harmed members of the putative class, who made loans with interest rates (and thus their own profits) tied to the artificially lowered LIBOR. The National Law Journal recently highlighted this case.

In re: Optical Disk Drive Products Antitrust Litigation

Shapiro Haber & Urmy LLP represents a putative class of purchasers of products containing optical disc drives (such as CD and DVD drives), including computers, videogame consoles, and stand-alone external optical disc drives. The action alleges that Defendants and their co-conspirators fixed and maintained an artificial price at which optical disc drives were sold in the United States. The complaint further alleges that Defendants’ unlawful conduct resulted in Plaintiff and other Class members paying artificially inflated prices for optical disc drive products during the Class period. The case is entitled In re: Optical Disk Drive Products Antitrust Litigation, C.A. No. 10-md-2143 in the Northern District of California.

In re: Musical Instruments and Equipment Antitrust Litigation

Shapiro Haber & Urmy LLP represents a local musician and a putative class of musical instrument purchasers who allege that Guitar Center and other Defendants colluded on the price of certain musical instruments. The case is entitled In re: Musical Instruments and Equipment Antitrust Litigation, C.A. No. 09-md-02121 in the Southern District of California.

In re Refrigerant Compressors Antitrust Litigation

Shapiro Haber & Urmy LLP represents putative classes of consumers in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Rhode Island who purchased refrigerant compressors, the cooling component in refrigeration units and air conditioners. The action alleges that the compressor manufacturers unlawfully agreed to fix and maintain the price of compressors, in violation of state law. Two of the defendants have entered guilty pleas to federal charges related to this conspiracy and have been sentenced to pay fines totaling over $140 million.  The case is entitled In re: Refrigerant Compressors Antitrust Litigation, C.A. No. 09-md-02042 in the Eastern District of Michigan.

In re: Nexium (Esomeprazole) Antitrust Litigation

Shapiro Haber & Urmy was part of the Executive Committee in In Re: Nexium (Esomeprazole) Antitrust Litig., C.A. No. 12-md-02409 (D. Mass.), representing a putative class of consumers and third-party payors who purchased or paid for Nexium products. Plaintiffs allege that Defendants conspired and entered into anticompetitive agreements designed to shield Defendant AstraZeneca and its brand name drug, Nexium, from competition with generic, lower-priced versions of the drug. 

Allen v. Dairy Farmers of America

Shapiro Haber & Urmy assisted in the representation of a certified class of dairy farmers in the Northeastern United States who allege that the defendants unlawfully monopolized and fixed the prices that they paid dairy farmers for their milk and unlawfully allocated markets. The defendants included Dairy Farmers of America, Inc., Dairy Marketing Services, LLC, and Dean Foods Company. The Court approved a settlement between Plaintiffs and Defendant Dean Foods Company that provided for $30 million in settlement funds. The case is Allen v. Dairy Farmers of America, Inc., et al.,C.A. No. 09-cv-230 (D. Vt.).